Saturday, January 06, 2007

Suiciding is a CRIME......

Destroying a life is a crime. Many people suicide. They do so due to the unfulfilment of their wishes, depression and for many other reasons. Suppose, a boy desperately wants to be a singer from his childhood. But very unfortunately he does not possess a nice voice. But his dream is to be a singer only. So if he suicides, thinking that his life will be meaningless, then he will perform a crime. A human being should feel lucky that he has taken birth on this beautiful earth as a human. His life is created by the nature. So he has no right to destroy it by himself until nature destroys him. Police catches almost every criminal and punishes him if needed. But, though suiciding is a crime, he who has suicided cannot be caught as he is already dead. But if it was possible to catch him, he should have been caught. One should learn to carry the burdens of life even if it seems too heavy sometimes. But he should be regarded as a coward if he flees in the fear of bearing his burdens.